News for authors
Dear authors and readers!

The periodical scientific and methodological electronic journal "Koncept" is an official publication, links to which are considered by leading organizations, in particular the Higher Attestation Commission, as a printed work.
To readers and authors of the journal

Since 06.06.2017, the Koncept journal has been included in the HAC List (13.00.00 - pedagogical sciences).
The journal accepts for publication articles on three scientific specialties of the group 13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences:
13.00.01 General pedagogy, the history of pedagogy and education;
13.00.02 Theory and methodology of teaching and education (different fields and levels of education);
13.00.08 Theory and methodology of vocational education.

In addition, the journal publishes previously unpublished materials with original research results in the following sections (not included in the HAC List)
08.00.00 Economics;
19.00.00 Psychological sciences.

The main issues (from 04.2017) are assigned the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) index, which is unique for each article and contributes to modern scientific communication.

Two-year impact factor RSCI (2018) - 0.161
Five-year impact factor RSCI (2018) - 0.158

Schedule for accepting articles and publications
Information mail
Materials are published in the order of their receipt by the editorial office within three months.

Article from the previous issue

Full text Read online
In today's rapidly changing society, education plays a key role in the formation of competitive professionals. Higher education becomes a catalyst for students’ professional growth, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities. Synthesis of the model of specialist, bachelor, master on the market of products and services production implies the development of approaches to the training and use of qualified personnel in accordance with the requirements of modern economy. This includes the analysis and definition of competences required in the market, as well as the creation of educational programs aimed at their development. The main approaches to the synthesis of such models are: competence-based approach, modular approach, project approach, partnership with employers, continuing education. The effectiveness of educational programs and learning management systems in higher education institutions directly affects the quality of graduate training. The relevance of this study is due to the need to understand and improve the processes of managing the educational process, as well as training qualified personnel. The complexity of modern requirements for graduates and rapid changes in the socio-economic environment emphasize the importance of effective methods of managing educational programs and the formation of students' professional qualities. Synthesis of the specialist, bachelor, master model in the market of products and services production requires a comprehensive approach, including the development of educational programs focused on the real needs of the market, active interaction with employers and emphasis on the development of key competences. This will allow us to train highly qualified specialists capable of solving professional tasks effectively in a dynamically changing economic environment. The aim of this study is to analyze the management systems of the educational process in higher educational institutions, to identify key aspects of graduate training and to determine effective approaches to the formation and assessment of their competences. The implementation of the results of this study will make it possible to identify optimal strategies for managing the educational process and contribute to the formation of highly qualified specialists who are able to successfully adapt to the modern requirements of the labor market.

Current issue
№ 05 (May)

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The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.

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